
  • Jakub Grzegorz Firlus



Біографія автора

Jakub Grzegorz Firlus

Ph.D. in Law

Jagiellonian University

Department of Administrative Procedure


It will not always be about the impossibility-of-joint-compliance test; on this point, H. Hamner Hill, A Functional Taxonomy of Normative Conflict, Law and Philosophy 6 (1986), p. 227.

Kmieciak Z. Zarys teorii postępowania administracyjnego, Warszawa 2014, p. 74.

G. Łaszczyca, Modele regulacji prawa administracyjnego procesowego in: System Prawa Administracyjnego Procesowego. Tom I. Zagadnienia ogólne, red. G. Łaszczyca, A. Matan, Warszawa 2017, p. 98.

In the case of other public activities controlled by administrative courts, the collision will not occur. A complaint is the only effective measure provided by the system. For example, I can challenge an act of local law to the administrative court or file a petition. The latter mode guarantees me only that the authority will under the obligation to prepare a formal response, but it will certainly not control the legality of the local law.

T. Woś, Związki postępowania administracyjnego i sądowo-administracyjnego, Warszawa-Kraków 1989.

Lindahl L. and Reidhav D., Conflict of Legal Norms: Definition and Varieties [in:] Logic in the Theory and Practice of Lawmaking, eds. M. Araszkiewicz, K. Płeszka, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, p. 50. Authors distinguish three categories of conflicts of legal norms, namely: deontic (i.e., in terms of duties and permissions), in terms of competence, and mixed between the two preceding categories.

Recently, this principle has been applied by the Supreme Administrative Court to limit the scope of institutions protecting the standard of impartiality of administrative court proceedings (Resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of April 3, 2023, I FPS 3/22). As a side note, I would like to mention that I do not agree with the position of the Court, and this is due to the omission of the important situations and therefore lowering the protection of individual rights.

K. Ziemski, Rola i miejsce reguł kolizyjnych w procesie dekodowania tekstu prawnego, RPEiS 1978/2, s. 3.

If, prior to submitting a complaint to the court, another party to the proceedings applied to the authority for reconsideration of the case, the provisions of Art. 54 § 2-4 shall not apply. The authority recognizes this complaint as an application for reconsideration of the case, of which it immediately notifies the party lodging the complaint.

If a complaint is lodged to the court after the initiation of administrative proceedings in order to amend, repeal, annul the act or resume proceedings, the court proceedings shall be suspended.

Hereafter referred to as: LPAC.

In the case of regulating in separate provisions: 1) the conditions for the assessment of the administrative fine [...] - the provisions of this section shall not apply in this regard.

Hereafter referred to as: CAP.

Resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of June 5, 2017, II GPS 1/17.

Resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of December 7, 2009, I OPS 6/09.

Z. Kmieciak, Odwołania w postępowaniu administracyjnym, Warszawa 2011, pp. 32-38, which discusses the French system of the so-called optional legal protection.

This issue is analyzed by A. Cebera, J.G. Firlus, Upływ czasu jako negatywna przesłanka wszczęcia i kontynuowania postępowania w sprawie stwierdzenia nieważności decyzji administracyjnej a możliwość dochodzenia roszczeń odszkodowawczych z art. 417[1] § 2 k.c. in: red. M. Araszkiewicz, M. Krok, M. Sala-Szczypiński, Nauka prawa a praktyka prawnicza: księga jubileuszowa z okazji czterdziestolecia Okręgowej Izby Radców Prawnych w Krakowie, Kraków 2022, pp. 47-76.

Кодекс адміністративного судочинства України. Відомості Верховної Ради України (ВВР). 2005. № 35-36. № 37. ст. 446.


