NATO-Ukraine Cooperation as an Important Mechanism for Counteracting Hybrid Warfare



The scientific issue of Ukraine-NATO cooperation as an important mechanism for combating hybrid warfare is particularly relevant and complicated. However the security is a key point. The aim of the article is to present specific features of non-military cooperation between Ukraine and NATO. Based on the long-term goal of joining to the European system of collective security, Ukraine is building new approaches to ensuring national security.

The purpose of this article is to review the literature topic, as well as the current situation of Ukraine-NATO cooperation, the hybrid warfare, as well as additional and alternative forms of security policy. In this paper we attempt to determine the factors of Ukraine-NATO cooperation, the conditions, the advantages and disadvantages of current solutions, as well as the conclusion of present situation with the issuance of diagnosis for the future mechanism for combating hybrid warfare. The article uses the reports and results of selected studies conducted in Ukraine.


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