Ustawa o budowie zabezpieczenia granicy państwowej – proces legislacyjny



The act on the construction of state border security aimed at establishing par- ticular preparation and implementation rules of the investment along the eastern part of the state border. The border wall equipped with electronic infrastructure, in mind of the Council of Ministers as claimants, is to serve the state border pro- tection and to counteract the illegal migration in a crucial way. It has acquired particular significance because of the surge of migrants to the Polish-Belarusian border in the second half of 2021.

The Council of Ministers, initiating the legislative procedure, took advantage of the constitutional competence of making the project urgent. As a result, 24 days elapsed between the bill submission to the Sejm and its entering into force. This relatively fast legislative path went so thanks to i.a. shortened due dates for the act proceeding by the Senate and the President. It should be noted, that as far as in the Sejm or the Senate everything took place openly, the government legislative pro- cess has left a lot to be desired. These include e.g. publication on the Government Legislation Center website on the day of submitting a draft law to the Sejm, a com- plete absence of consultations or an explanation of not carrying them out, no in- dication of entire investment implementation costs, and further current expenses, inseparably related with it. Concerning the governmental legislative process, these remarks seem to indicate that actions’ professionalization is still needed, especially in the impact assessment area.


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